What You Should Know About Different Types Of Dryer Vents And How To Clean Them

What You Should Know About Different Types Of Dryer Vents And How To Clean Them

Dryer vents direct excess heat generated by your driver outside your home. When not cleaned, dryer vents can cause your utility bills to rise and, worse, lead to a home fire. This is why it’s recommended to hire the best dryer vent cleaner in northern virginia periodically to prevent such mishaps from taking place.

While they essentially perform the same task, dryer vents have different types.

Aluminum foil ducts. This is of the most common types of duct encountered by the best dryer vent cleaner in Northern Virginia. Though it’s versatile, lightweight, and economical, this one- to eight-foot duct is more prone to lint accumulation. Lint, which comes off the clothes you put in the dryer, buildup over time and is considered the leading cause of dryer vent fires in the US.

Slim aluminum ducts. Also known as periscope duct, this duct is commonly used in narrow spaces. Its rectangular shape makes it an ideal choice when you need ductwork transitions in tight spaces. Many ducts of this kind span from anywhere from 27 inches to 48 inches. It’s also more versatile than other ducts because it can be used for horizontal, vertical, and diagonal installations.

Plastic or vinyl ducts. Aluminum foil ducts have metal foil as the material on their wall. For plastic and vinyl ducts, this metal foil is replaced by plastic or vinyl wall. While it can be cheaper, this is the least-safe option because it can catch lint more quickly.

Rigid metal ducts. This duct is less friendly to lint, thanks to its smooth interior wall, typically made of aluminum and galvanized steel. With less textured interior walls, the air can also flow better and create less friction. However, its disadvantage lies in its rigidness. Rigid metal ducts aren’t that much flexible and are only typically available in 45- or 90-degree bends.

Semi-rigid metal ducts. Think of semi-rigid metal ducts as a type of duct that lies between rigid metal and aluminum foil. However, they’re used only for transitions. They’re also more expensive compared to aluminum foil and plastic ducts.

Cleaning Your Dryer Vents

Cleaning dryer vents entail scouring the vent and the ductwork that leads to it. Before you can get rid of lint, dirt, and other debris that can cause blockage and hinder heat from escaping from your house, you need to remove the screen first.

With the help of the best dryer vent cleaner in Northern Virginia, your vent can be inspected and prepared for cleaning more thoroughly. Depending on what type of duct you have, a professional would be able to determine the best way to clean your vent and address any issue that they may encounter throughout the cleaning process. They’d know how to empty the lint screen and disconnect and re-assemble the tube and other components. Additionally, they’d also have the proper tools to scour the hose and vent and ensure that they’re back in their pristine condition.

To make the most of their professional service, be sure to hire only a reputable company. Check their credentials and track record and look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers.

If you are looking for the best dryer vent cleaner in northern virginia, our team at JCS Home Services delivers. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you.
